The world at large is in turmoil. We are being confronted with various crises that are affecting us all: climate change, war, pandemic, migration, economic difficulty, and more. As a result, a growing number of people worry about our collective future.
You have undoubtedly heard the phrase, ‘If you want to change the world, start with yourself’. A small change in your thoughts, your perspective, or even your attitude can bring about a profound change, not only within yourself, but in your family, your neighbours, your friends, and your workplace.
The opposite is also true: your environment shapes and molds you. It affects the way you think and what decisions you take. Reflect, for example, on how your family, your neighborhood, or your workplace influence the way you think, speak and behave.

We are called
to be the architects
of the future,
not it's victims.

R. Buckminster-Fuller
Lasting change happens when you make small changes, both in yourself and in your immediate environment. When you are able to do this, you are actively playing a role in creating a brighter future, not only for yourself, but also for the people around you, and humanity at large. You are an agent of change.

Being an agent of change is the first magazine of the Agents of Change programme. Its aim is to inspire and raise up people who wish to make positive changes in themselves and in the world. Subsequent magazines are being developed that focus on creating meaningful work, being super-collaborators and conflict solvers, and creating learning organisations. A dedicated series regarding diversity, equity and inclusion has been developed called “Unity in Diversity”. The first in that series is “addressing racial inequity”.

Building your capacity

Capacity building happens when carrying out acts of service to others. The program therefore follows an ‘action-based learning’ methodology. This means that you will study some materials, take action in your environment, and come together again to reflect upon your experiences and learn more together.
This program uses the workplace as a context where you can be an agent of change. Of course, there are also other settings in which these materials can be applied, for example at your school, neighborhood, or other community setting. You are therefore encouraged to study this course within the setting that is most relevant to your circumstances and adapt the exercises accordingly.
The Agents of Change is not an ordinary training program. Consider this course as an opportunity for you and the other participants to create the conditions to learn together and to develop your personal capacities. Central to this course is the development of your personal capacities. Capacity building takes a holistic approach: it is about acquiring new knowledge and insights, it is about learning new skills and abilities, and it is about developing new attitudes and qualities. Through capacity building, you are making positive changes in your own life and that in your own environment.

Practical information

Together with other participants you study in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, under the guidance of experienced facilitators. The course is highly interactive, encouraging you to reflect upon your own personal development and how you can contribute to positive change. The course is offered both on location and online:  
Location: in various parts of the world or online
Duration: 7 sessions of 1,5 hours
Fee: depending on location and on/offline
As part of the course, you will receive the magazine Being an agent of change. Upon completion of the course, you will receive an official certificate. You will also have the opportunity to join reflection sessions with other participants to continue your learning after the course.
There is also the opportunity to become a certified facilitator of this course. For more information, please visit our facilitators’ training page.