
becoming a member
of the cooperative

You are warmly invited to join the One Soul Community Cooperative U.A. and learn how to make the world work for 100% of humanity. There are two types of membership (individuals only):
  • membership of belonging: being part of the learning community
  • membership of community builder: being part of the learning community and initiating projects and earning a living
The types of membership are further described in the community agreements article 3.

How to become a member of the cooperative?

step 1

take action together
Community builder members are encouraged to involve others in their work and projects regardless whether they are members or not. In this way, people become acquainted in practice with the purpose and approach of It is highly recommended that collaborators will have participated at least in one of the training courses.

step 2

understand the soul of
If a person shows commitment and enthusiasm over time, the community builder member can invite him or her to join the cooperative. This means that several conversations will need to take place to enable one to take ownership of the purpose, values and vision of, the rights and responsibilities that come with membership, and how this person can contribute to the development of the community.

step 3

reflect on your learnings and motivations
After this initial orientation, the person has to meet at least five other members (ideally people from different realities) and have conversations about why they decided to join the community and what continues to motivate them to be a member. During such conversations, also practical questions, if any, can be discussed.

The person is then expected to write a reflection about these conversations and express why he or she wishes to join the cooperative.

step 4

applying for membership
The person can apply for membership by filling out the online membership application form, sharing the reflections, and paying the membership fee.

The new member will receive a confirmation of “aspiring membership” from the Board; this means in practice that the member has all the rights and responsibilities of a member of belonging, except has no voting rights during General Assemblies of the cooperative as described in the community agreements.

step 5

welcomed as a new member
New aspiring members will introduce themselves during the upcoming General Assembly or another formal community space and be welcomed by the community.

After a period of time, the team members will reflect together with the aspiring member about becoming a full member and recommend membership to the Board, if desired.

The Board approves membership and communicates this to the community.
Apply for membership of the One Soul Community Cooperative U.A.
Please fill out the online application form below to apply for membership of the Cooperative. Ensure that you have written a short reflection of your five conversations with existing members and explain why you wish to join the cooperative. Also include in your reflection a brief description and a photo of yourself that can be placed on the website. Once your application has been submitted, you are being asked to pay your membership fee: 300 euros plus VAT. Once payment has been made, you will receive confirmation of your membership.