We change the world when we create the time and space for heartfelt, unique conversations that discuss values and affirm doubts, feelings, and intuition.

Positive change starts with one meaningful conversation
Conversations. We have many of them throughout the day. But imagine if you are able to uplift a conversation? That the conversation becomes meaningful. That it becomes an opportunity to strengthen respect and friendship. That it raises your awareness and inspires you into action. You can train yourself to have such meaningful conversations. They form the foundation for positive change in yourself and around you: at work, at school, or where you live.
More conversations leads to lasting change
Each meaningful conversation makes an impact. They bring people together who aspire for positive change. Gradually, you find yourself surrounded by other people, with whom you can converse freely and openly, challenge assumptions, and joyfully explore what is needed for change. There is an atmosphere of respect, equality, friendship and trust. Together, you encourage each other, take action and learn. We call such a powerful setting a ‘space of trust.’

Why a space of trust?
Trust is the foundation for positive change to happen. Where there is trust between people, you can be yourself, you can make mistakes, and many things are possible. It transforms a mindset of ‘us versus them’ into one of togetherness and connectedness. Innovation, creativity, and resilience are fruits of a space of trust.
“Relationships and connectedness are the pre-condition for change. Every meeting, every process, every training program has to get people connected first. Otherwise, the content falls on deaf ears. So small groups are an essential building block to any future you want to create.”
P. Block

Where are there spaces of trust?
There can be spaces of trust wherever people live or work together. For example, in companies where colleagues explore collectively how to improve their workplace. They have meaningful conversations together about how to address racial inequity or gender inequality, how to foster initiative, make decisions, and promote collaboration and solidarity. 

There are spaces of trust in schools where students converse with each other how to ensure that everybody feels safe and seen. Or with teachers who explore how to improve the level of education and collaboration with parents. 

Spaces of trust exist in various neighborhoods where neighbors learn together to build a community where people support each other. A family can start to function as a space of trust, thus promoting greater respect and unity among its members and smoothly organizing family affairs.
Inspired by nature
Did you know that desserts can be transformed into fertile soils? When a small plot of land is protected from cattle or other destructive forces, small saplings and grass naturally start to grow. While these seem insignificant and feeble, they start changing the soil and water provision enabling other plants to take root. This further strengthens the process of recovery and gradually the soil becomes more and more fertile. 

The small saplings and grass are like meaningful conversations. The spaces of trust are those safe places protecting the grass from outside destructive influences. While seemingly insignificant, meaningful conversations and spaces of trust provide the right conditions for transformation to take place. What was once a place of cynicism and apathy, it has become a place of trust and action. When we consider all the spaces of trust that are being created, we see the impact in one’s organization, school or neighborhood, thus affecting society in a real and powerful way.
Start your own space of trust
soul.com has been training thousands of people around the world to engage in meaningful conversations and to create ‘spaces of trust.’ The key is developing the quality of trustworthiness by growing your capacity to listen, how to engage others in conversations, and to reflect upon your own words and actions.Moreover, capacity building happens through acts of service. You are encouraged to immediately apply what you have learned at your own work or living space. You are learning by doing.

join and learn with others

Join one of soul.com capacity-building programs to learn together with others. The program includes the following:

meet & greet
a conversation with a soul.com facilitator to get to know each other and carry out together an initial assessment

in a 2-day Soul-driven Leadership course, “Trust - reshaping the world.”

read your own reality and see potential for meaningful conversations and a space of trust

accompaniment of the soul.com facilitator in creating your own space of trust

three reflection sessions with other participants in learning how to create spaces of trust

impact assessment on yourself and your environment

courses and workshops