Sacha Bakker
Sacha Bakker

During her work for one of the Tempus-Tacis projects of the EU, Sacha discovered how a focus on inclusive education and profound cooperation can permanently influence and change an entire educational system in a metropolis like Perm (Russia). This awakened a passion for learning in her which has been the thread running through her life ever since.

I’m exploring the unknown, I’m looking for new ways to communicate (Shen Wei, director and choreographer)
Her experience in coaching, the development and transitions of teams and organisations and the creation of a programme that puts reflection in the core of a school curriculum, form the basis for her work at Sacha is analytical, has a good feeling for the functioning of systems and the influence of undercurrents.

Sacha is inspired by various forms of art and literature among which are the work of pedagogue Helen Parkhurst, the Hungarian doctor András Pető and visual artist Jean Tinguely.

For Sacha, learning, reflection and freedom are inextricably connected. She is convinced of the importance of appealing to others’ desire to learn and does this in a clear and decisive way.