Educational institutions, from kindergarten to university level, have a great role to play in contributing to a better world. Besides the family setting, where character and attitudes are developed, it is within a school setting where the hearts and minds of young people are shaped. is dedicated to raising young people who foster a true global outlook and see themselves as agents of change in building a better future for themselves and others. To make this possible, is partnering with educational institutions that share this same vision. is dedicated to raising young people who foster a true global outlook and see themselves as agents of change in building a better future for themselves and others. To make this possible, is partnering with educational institutions that share this same vision.
Crucial part of unlocking the potential of youth is to challenge their assumptions related to many social and economic activities in society. These assumptions relate for example to competition between people instead of cooperation, the making of a career versus living a life of service, gender roles and power dynamics, racial inequity, or role of business in society. We have seen that such assumptions, when remain unchallenged, prevent youth from becoming a constructive force of change in society. is developing materials for university students that engages them in a rigorous exploration of these concepts. These courses can also be counted as part of their official studies. is developing materials for university students that engages them in a rigorous exploration of these concepts. These courses can also be counted as part of their official studies.