social movements

citizens taking action together

How to create the change you wish to see, instead of fighting against something or someone? What do you do to bring about change, while no one else is doing anything? What do you do about something that needs action, but you are not “assigned” to respond to it? And what can you do or how to even begin?

You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it.
G.L. Boggs

These are examples of questions we often ask ourselves and we know that many people in the world may have similar questions. We have been learning alongside others how to apply the lessons of community building into settings where form or context is lacking. Think for example about the potential collaboration between schools, where no one is taking initiative to reach out and collaborate yet. Or in the neighbourhood where you live, but where there is no mechanism to promote trust and understanding among neighbours.
Or between various organisations and foundations that are aspiring towards the same goals, but yet do not (wish to) collaborate together. Sometimes there is an immediate trigger, such as the Covid pandemic. Sometimes it starts with a few people who see the need to do something or see a potential that is identified. 

To walk where there is no path requires leadership and courage. It starts by having conversations: to bring people together, building relationships of trust and setting the foundation for learning together. Gradually, a group of people is formed whose desire is to do something together and to make a change in their social and economic life. While doing so, the group is learning how to promote greater levels of equality, trust, unity and justice among themselves. This movement can grow in strength, gradually transforming into a community.

for whom and with whom?

For people who want to contribute to positive change around themselves. For people who wish to bring other people, entreprises, institutions, schools, universities or governments together, and take responsibility for our common future.

examples of initiatives

some of our collaborators