Human beings strive to understand. When one’s understanding grows, so does one’s motivation and ownership. Community building is creating the conditions for people to learn and understand. For example, an environment of trust is an essential prerequisite for creating a culture where mistakes are allowed and where truth can be spoken.

Learning organisations are organisations in which people continuously enhance their capacities to create the results they truly desire, in which new and more expansive patterns of thought are nurtured, in which collective aspiration is awakened, and where people constantly learn to collaborate.
P. Senge

A company that is not learning is facing various challenges. It is not able to respond to the needs of their customers or with changes in the market. People within the company are afraid of speaking up or making mistakes, out of fear of losing their job. There is gossip and backbiting. People and departments are working in silos, not willing or able to reach out and work with others. Talented people are leaving the company at a high rate because they feel stuck and don’t show any initiative or ownership. 

A community is a true learning organisation. Community building breaks down barriers and silos. It converts fear and cynicism into initiative and ownership. It destroys a mindset of “us versus them” and of competition between people. It creates spaces for people to meet and learn from each other. It promotes a spirit of generosity and entrepreneurship.

how does it work?

One or more people participate in the first training course(s) Soul-driven Leadership - Trust and Hope. In doing so, they start to form a small core group that is learning together about the culture of the organization. With the assistance of facilitators, they can initiate the Finding the Soul programme, to discover the values, purpose and volition of the department or organization at large.

As a result, the soul of the organisation is explicitly formulated that becomes the guiding reference point and strengthens unity of purpose of the community. The core group can inspire and accompany people to form small teams to formulate learning questions relevant to their work. In doing so, they reflect upon their work and behaviour in light of the soul of the company.

It is within these smaller groups that trust is generated and where meaningful conversations are held about real themes affecting the day to day work of people. Gradually, initiatives start to emerge that reflect the soul of the company and authentic culture change is happening. facilitators accompany leadership teams to help read the changing reality of the organisation and to make appropriate interventions to foster community life.
ask a question about learning and cooperation

for who is this relevant?

Companies that aspire to become a learning organisation. Companies that are seeking to change their culture into one of ownership, initiative and cooperation. Companies that are seeking innovations in their products and services.