Oscar Mendez Rosa
Oscar Mendez Rosa

Oscar is founder of soul.com. His work has always been guided by two fundamental concepts: the spiritual reality of men and the inherent nobility of human beings.

At an early age, Oscar has been dedicating his energies to building communities and contributing to collective well-being and prosperity. He has worked in over 40 countries in four continents and has interacted with people from different cultures. He has been trained in communications and design and has more than 20 years of experience in business and large corporations.

His passion is to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of transforming companies into communities and how this comes about. At soul.com he is, therefore, carrying out research in different fields of knowledge, including religion, philosophy, business, social studies, and economics.

Oscar loves to help people elevate their view on reality so that their inner volition is unlocked to contribute to a more prosperous and just society.