Monica Martinez
Monica Martinez

Monica is passionate about serving and transforming companies and their teams into ecosystems and trustful communities. Monica is an experienced facilitator of Soul-driven Leadership and enjoys witnessing the progress of others. She resides in Chile, together with her husband and three lovable children.

Monica is a Chemical Engineer with 25 years of professional experience, graduating with an MBA with honours from Regis University in Colorado, USA, oriented to International Business Development. She is certified as a Project Manager at the University of Denver and is certified as an International Coach and Facilitator. She is also certified with Prosci for Change Management. C-level Coach.

Monica is currently a member and co-directing ebbf Hispanos, member of the council on innovation and technology for the US embassy, Director of Strategy 2 Succeed and Co-founder and current Vice president for FUPAHEP an NGO to provide answers and manage access to treatment and opportunities for all on the issue of viral hepatitis for Chile.