Universities and schools are educating the “architects of the future”: the next generation of people who wish to reshape the world through meaningful work.
This is more than academic excellence. Youth will need to learn how to promote unity and trust among people. They will need to learn how to make choices that help them to develop themselves, their families and their communities into their better selves.
“Architects of the Future” is a capacity building program that helps young people to develop the capacities needed to reshape the world and become conscious global citizens.

Through these courses, youth will rethink what it means to work, will reflect on their priorities in life, will learn how to make ethical choices and stand up for justice, and will direct their energies towards making a meaningful contribution to society.

We are called
to be the architects
of the future,
not it's victims.

R. Buckminster-Fuller
  • Participatory: a trained facilitator helps a small group of students study materials together and discuss the concepts and insights.
  • Learning in action: after each session, the students formulate learning questions and apply the concepts into practical action through projects.
  • Ownership: students take ownership of their own progress and learning.
    Service: students learn how to use their talents for the betterment of their surroundings.
The courses help the students to reflect deeply on their own personal development and that of the group by:
  • understanding that personal development and the development of their projects groups are connected
  • identifying progress that they made personally and as a group
  • become aware of individual and collective strengths
The program helps the students to collaborate with others effectively by:
  • understanding what behaviour leads to constructive cooperation
  • describing the effect of the behaviour of the individual on the project group
  • identifying assumptions underlying group dynamics
  • analysing what is needed to work in unity and harmony and promote a spirit of harmony between people
The program helps the students to promote a learning attitude in themselves and in others by:
  • listening to others and suspending judgement
  • formulating personal and group learning questions effectively
  • reflect on an action, learn from experience and formulate next steps
The program helps the teachers to be able to interact on a different level with students by:
  • facilitating a student session every week where they can practise their capacity to have meaningful conversations in order to reach a shared understanding
  • not teaching the students, but creating a space where all can learn together
  • reflecting on the attitude and qualities needed for them to interact on an equal level with the students